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Ships deck department

作者:EastSeaMan | 来源:网络转摘 | 时间:2022-10-13

Ms. XIAO 海事英语学习 2022-09-14 09:00 发表于广东

Ship’s Departments

There are normally two departments on a common cargo ship, i.e. the deck department and the engine department, however, on a passenger ship, besides these two departments, there is a service department. The number of crew on board depends on the type and tonnage of the ship.The minimum number of crew on board are specified in Minimum Safe Manning Certificate

The Duty of the Deck Department

The Deck Department is responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, care of the cargo while at sea and the safe loading and discharging of cargo in port. 

The Deck Department is also responsible for the maintenance of the vessel, seamanship operations, and the bulk of the legal and commercial business on board.

The Deck Officers and Ratings handle deck maintenance, cargo operations, deck jobs and the navigation of a merchant ship.

The Organization of the Deck Department

Deck officers and ratings hold the appropriate Certificate of Competency for their rank on board.


deck department甲板部;

engine department轮机部;

service department服务部;

loading and discharging of cargo 货物装卸;

maintenance  n.维护保养;

maintain   vt. 维护,保养;

seamanship  n.船舶驾驶术船艺;

the bulk of大多数;

rating   n. 普通船员;

appropriate    adj.适当的;

certificate of competency适任证书

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